Best Universities and Colleges in Nakuru

25 Best Universities and Colleges in Nakuru City, Fees, and Contacts

Nakuru City is a vibrant educational hub with several reputable universities and colleges. These institutions offer a wide range of programs, contributing to the development of skilled professionals in various fields. Here are some of the best universities and colleges in Nakuru City you can explore.

These institutions of higher learning have been steadily attracting students from across the country and beyond, contributing to the growth of Nakuru City’s educational landscape.

25 Best Universities and Colleges in Nakuru

From healthcare and technology to business and science, these institutions play a crucial role in shaping the future of Kenya’s workforce.

Top on the list of preferred learning centres are the following institutions.

1. Egerton University main campus (Njoro)

Egerton University is among the best institutions of higher learning in the kenya located at Njoro Nakuru.

The institution is also one of the oldest Public Universities having diverse academic programmes ranging from Diploma, Bachelor, Master and PhD.

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Egerton University contacts

LocationBiashara Kilimo Road Egerton University, Kenya
AddressP.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton-Njoro
Email[email protected]

2. Kabarak University

Kabarak University is one of Kenya’s top private chartered institutions located in Kabarak, 20 kilometres from Nakuru City CBD.

It was founded in 2002 and has since become a leader in providing quality education. The university offers diverse programs in fields such as business, education, health sciences, and Law.

Kabarak University contacts

AddressP.O. Private Bag 20157, Kabarak, Nakuru-KENYA
Phone number051343234
Email[email protected]

3. Nakuru Training Institute

Nakuru Training Institute is centrally located in Nakuru Town.

It specializes in technical and vocational training, equipping students with practical skills for the job market.

AddressP.O. Box 1773, Nakuru, Kenya
Email[email protected]
Phone number0722512129

4. Nakuru College of Health Sciences

Nakuru College of Health Sciences is another prominent institution situated in Nakuru Town.

As the name suggests, it focuses on healthcare-related courses, including nursing, clinical medicine, and pharmacy, to address the growing demand for healthcare professionals.

AddressP.O. Box 12906, 20100 NAKURU
Telephone 0720219337/0722742655
Email[email protected]
Email[email protected]

5. Nakuru Institute of Information Communication Technology

Nakuru Institute of Information Communication Technology offers programs in the field of information technology.

Students here have access to modern facilities and training, preparing them for careers in IT and related industries.

READ ALSO:  History of JKUAT University Since 1981, Founders, Location, and Contacts

6. Kenya Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Technology (Kibsat)

The Kenya Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Technology is located opposite Hill Valley Academy, Masai Road.

The institution offers certificate, diploma and advanced diploma courses such as medical laboratory technology, radiography, and community health.

Kibsat contacts

Physical address Next to Milimani Cottage Hospital, Nakuru
Postal addressP.O. Box 283-20100, Nakuru
Telephone number072376966/0734834067
Email address[email protected]

7. Kenya College of Science and Technology

The Kenya College of Science and Technology also offers programs in various scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biology, and physics.

It plays a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of scientists and researchers.

Kenya College of Science and Technology Contacts

AddressP.O. Box 15597, Nakuru 20100 Kenya
LocationHekima House
Email address[email protected]

8. Nakuru KMTC (Medical Training College)

The Kenya Medical Training College Nakuru branch focuses on medical and healthcare training.

It is located in Nakuru Town and offers courses in nursing, clinical medicine and medical laboratory sciences.

9. Jogoo Commercial College

Jogoo Commercial College is a well-known institution in Nakuru, providing business and commerce-related programs.

It prepares students for careers in finance, marketing, and management.

Jogoo Commercial College contacts

LocationOff Kenyatta Avenue, Next to Family Bank
AddressP.O. Box 830-20100, Nakuru

10. Prestige Academy and College

The privately owned Prestige Academy and College is located at Anestar Road, Nakuru Kenya.

The college offers a variety of courses, including business management, information technology, and hospitality management.

Anestar Prestige Academy and College contacts

LocationAnestar Rd, Nakuru kenya
Address273, Nakuru, 20100

Full list of universities and colleges in Nakuru

Whether you’re a prospective student or someone looking to enhance your skills, Nakuru City’s educational institutions have something to offer everyone.

Consider exploring these Universities and Colleges in Nakuru to kickstart your academic and professional journey.