Set Green Hill KCPE Results

Set Green Hill KCPE Results 2025, KNEC, Fee Structure, and Contacts

CS Machogu released KCPE exams on Wednesday, December 21st. His national address ended with Set Green Hill KCPE results 2022 on the headlines.

Performance reports published in the Daily Nation indicate that Set Green Hill Academy Kisii posted impressive results in the Nyanza region.

Set Green Hill KCPE Results 2023

Set Green Hills Academy located at Jogoo Estate in Kisii County is among the best school in the region.

Overall, Set Green Hill Academy attained a mean score of 359.68 marks in 2022 registering a significant drop of 39.12 marks from the previous year.

SUBJECTMean 2021Mean 2022
Total Students4742
Mean Score398.8359.68

A total of 42 candidates scored impressive marks with the leading pupil Joy Mogere scoring 372 Marks and the least 345 Marks.

READ ALSO:  Kaaga Girls High School KCSE Results 2025, Mean, KNEC Code and Contact

Here is a comparison of 2021 and 2022 KCPE outcomes.

Mark Range20212022
400 -500240
350 – 3992240
300 – 34912

In 2020, the school managed a mean grade of 381 marks out of 500 – ranking in position 3 after Elimu Academy and Kisii Embasi. Other top performer are St Vincent DePaul Boys and Maxwell Academy.

The school would lead in 2021 exams before a sharp decline in 2022.

Most importantly, Set Green Hill Academy Mixed Day and Boarding School is among the best schools in the country.

Headteacher Mr Wachitsa Kelvin Geofrey and Director Dr Charles Mochama are confident that the school will regain its lost glory in the upcoming 2023 KNEC exams.

READ ALSO:  Omobera Girls High School KCSE Results 2025, KNEC History and Contacts

Tuition and fee structure

Additional payments for uniforms, meals and transport are mandatory.

The newly introduced Competence Based Curriculum requires even more resources.

1. Boarding fee structure

Set Green Hill Academy Mixed Day and Boarding school charges the following fee for quality learning.

LevelTerm 1Term 2Term 3
Baby Class
PP1 & PP2
Grades 1
Grades 2
Grades 3
Grades 4
Grades 542,00042,00042,000
Grades 6
Grade 7

Payments for the other grades are underway.

2. Day scholar fee structure

LevelTerm 1Term 2Term 3
Baby Class
PP1 & PP2
Grades 1
Grades 2
Grades 3
Grades 4
Grades 521,00021,00021,000
Grades 6
Grade 7

These are additional requirements for day scholars.

3. Additional payments

Lunch feesKsh. 7,000 per term
SwimmingKsh. 3,000
MilkKsh. 1,000 per term
TransportContact Office

4. Admission requirements

InterviewsKsh. 1,000
Admission feesKsh. 1,000
Development feesKsh. 3,000

Notice that uniforms are available and can be purchased at school.

5. Banking details

Set Green Hill banking details are as follows;

Payment MethodPaybill /AccountA/C
MPesa Paybill4033031Pupil name & class
Bank0510291262530Equity Bank

No cash is accepted for all types of payments. Elsewhere,

Set Green Hill contacts

Phone Number0706192476
P.O Box1736
Postal Address40200
LocationJogoo Estate, Kisii
Email[email protected]
Gmail[email protected]

Set Green Hill located nearby Green Valley Academy registered exemplary KCPE results for a primary school with a strong belief in academic excellence.