Excel Elementary School KCPE

Excel Elementary School KCPE 2025, KNEC History, Fees, and Contacts

A detailed performance analysis of Excel Elementary School KCPE results 2022 is at hand with an impressive mean score. Here is the mean score and what pupils scored in various subjects.

Located between Nyamache Junction and Getumo market along the busy Kisii-Kilgoris road is the iconic Excel Elementary School. The primary institution sits within Olympic Primary School neighbourhoods.

Excel Elementary School KCPE results 2022

Excellent grades define the privately owned Excel primary school.

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Summarized below are the highly celebrated KNEC outcomes.

SUBJECTSMean 2021Mean 2022
Mean Score401

The leading student Damaris Mbuya June scored 422 marks and the least 379 marks.

From the overview, it is evident that Social Studies and Religious Education was the leading subject and Kiswahili, the lowest in mean scores.

Excel Elementary School performance analysis

Mark rangePupils
400 – 50042
350 – 39939

For the record, Excel Elementary School improved its mean score from 386.6 to 401 between 2021 and 2022.

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Other notable performers in Kisii County include Imperial Primary School, Precious Suneka, and Maxwell Campus.

Excel Elementary contacts

Phone number0724728479
P.O Box3592
Postal address40200, Kisii
Email address[email protected]

Admission and fee structure

Interview requirements for new students are as follows;

DatesTuesday, Jan 3rd, 2022
Time8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
FeesKsh. 600
VenueExcel Elementary  

Interested pupils are encouraged to carry their writing materials, birth certificates, and assessment report books. Contact the administration for further inquiries.

Excel Elementary School KCPE results 2022 are commendable with a high mean score and pass rate.