St Paul’s Gekano Boys High School KCSE Results

St Paul’s Gekano Boys High School KCSE 2025, KNEC History and Contacts

St. Paul’s Gekano Boys High School KCSE results are truly exciting with significant improvements in the mean score and pass rate. As a result, the majority of former candidates are now university materials.

Gekano Boys which sits 2.8 kilometres from Nyambaria Boys High School continues to register excellence in national exams.

St. Paul’s Gekano Boys High School KCSE results in 2023

The school Principal Mr Albert Ombiro is particularly proud of the best student who scored grade A-. He is also moved by the fact that all his learners attained grades above C+.

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Below is a detailed grade distribution.

  • 0 students scored A (Plain)
  • 1 student scored A-(minus)
  • 31 students scored B+ (Plus)
  • 88 students scored B (Plain)
  • 20 students scored B- (Minus)
  • 2 students scored C+ (Plus)

Interestingly, all the 142 candidates who sat for the 2022 KCSE exams managed direct entry into public varsities.

A hundred per cent transition signals hard work and unwavering dedication to the school motto ‘God and Education for Life.’

St. Paul’s Gekano Boys High School KCSE Performance Analysis

Ranking among the best schools in Nyamira County came with a sharp rise in mean score.

Below is a summarized review of the school’s performance since 2020.

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University entry6185142
Mean grade6.826.929.0634
Pass rate59.22%56.66%100%

The mean grade and pass rate have tremendously risen over the years to mean an even brighter academic future.

For the record, Gekano Boys is an Extra-County public boy’s school started in 1964

St. Paul’s Gekano Boys contacts

Phone number0722689067
KNEC Code43722101
P.O Box812
Postal address40500
Email address[email protected]

Reach the admin for new admissions, student progress, and fee structure-related inquiries.

St. Paul’s Gekano Boys High School KCSE results 2022 suggest high competition now spilling outside Nyamira County.