Ufanisi International Hospitality College Courses

Ufanisi International Hospitality College Courses and Fee Structure

Ufanisi International Hospitality College admissions are ongoing! It’s a newly incorporated private institution located along Getare-Nyamira Bypass Road in Kisii County.

Ufanisi Resort Hotel proprietors Patrick Lumumba and Isabella Lumumba established the higher learning institution as part of their investments in the hospitality industry.

Who owns Ufanisi International Hospitality College?

Ufanisi College offers a wide range of certificate courses with intensive practical training.

Enlisted below are the programs on offers and payable fees per term.

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UIHC certificate courses

  • Food & beverage production & service
  • Hotel & catering supervision
  • Catering and accommodation management
  • Housekeeping & accommodation studies
  • Hospitality management

UIHC fee structure

CourseFees per term
Food & Beverage Production & ServiceKsh. 25,000
Catering and accommodation managementKsh. 25,000
Housekeeping & accommodation StudiesKsh. 25,000
Hotel & Catering SupervisionKsh. 25,000
Hospitality ManagementKsh. 25,000

UIHC admission fees

  • Registration Fee: Ksh 2,000
  • Student ID: Ksh 500
  • Maintenance Fee:  Ksh 2,000
  • Insurance Fee: Ksh 750
  • Activity Fee: Ksh 2,000
  • Internal Exams: Ksh 3,000
  • Library Fee: Ksh 5,000
  • Attachment: Ksh 4,000
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Ufanisi International Hospitality College Contacts

P.O Box2646 – 40200
Address[email protected]
Email[email protected]

The first graduation held on February 21, 2024, opened doors for even more learners with interest in the hospitality industry.

The Kisii-based Ufanisi International Hospitality College continues to prosper in impacting hospitality skills in response to the changing needs of the industry and society.