Starehe Boys KCSE Results

Starehe Boys KCSE Results 2025, Performance, KNEC History and Contacts

Starehe Boys KCSE results are still turning heads since education CS Ezekiel Machogu announced KNEC results in the wake of 2023. Recent candidates, their parents and teachers are among the most concerned.

The national school from 1959 remains a centre of excellence with notable old boys such as the late Prof George Magoha and former Cabinet Minister Rafael Tuju. We focus on the school’s latest KCSE performance, mean scores, and grade distribution.  

Starehe Boys KCSE results 2022

The iconic Starehe Boys posted yet another stellar outcomes in national exams.

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Outcomes from the recent exams are as follows;

KNEC2022 results
Mean score9.27
A plains

Starehe Boys Chief Principal, Mr Nicholas Ndeke, attributes the outstanding results to a team of dedicated teachers and students.

Starehe Boys KCSE performance analysis

Consistency in good grades make Starehe Boys a haven of distinctions in Nairobi’s Starehe Constituency.

Summarized below are grade distributions between 2019 and 2021.

University entry230275251
Pass rate86 %95%93%

The majority of Starehe candidates often score above C+ (plus) which is a minimum requirement for direct entry into public universities in Kenya.

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High mean scores affirm that the institution is living up to its motto “Natulenge Juu.”

The history of Starehe Boys Centre

The late Dr Geoffrey Griffin is among others, founder of the prestigious Starehe Boys Centre. He would play a key role establishing the institution in 1959.

Starehe Boys has since followed his footsteps in turning boys into leadership-competent men in society.

Starehe Boys Centre contacts

KNEC code20400004
Phone number0727531001
P.O Box30178
Postal address00100
Email[email protected]

Contact the admin about student welfare, fee structure, and admissions.

Starehe Boys KCSE results 2022 justifies the dedicated effort and determination the school has put to maintain good results.